y son, now will I teach you the way of peace and true liberty.
Do, Lord, as you say, for this is a great joy for me to hear.
Endeavor, my son, to do the will of another rather than your own.† Choose always to have less rather than more. Seek always the, lower place, and to be inferior to every one.† Wish always, and pray, that the will of God be wholly done in you.† Such a man enters within the borders of peace and rest.
Lord, your short discourse contains within itself much perfection. For if it could faithfully be kept by me, trouble ought not so easily to arise in me. For as often as I feel myself unquiet and weighed down, I find that I have gone back from this doctrine. But You who can do all things, and ever love the profiting of my soul, add to me greater grace, that I may be able to fulfill Your words.